Thursday 20 September 2018

Summary Article (Draft #1)

There are many considerations to take before resolving the way to demolish a building, and the method must be safe for the demolition crew and surroundings. Firstly, implosion is a technique which uses explosives to demolish large structures in urban area and it needs comprehensive planning by the blaster crew before carrying out. Secondly, high reach arm method is used to tear down tall buildings from the top to bottom by operating machine arm. Thirdly, wrecking ball is used to break down small size buildings by swinging a heavy ball into the structure. This method requires professional crane operator. Lastly, selective demolition is a safe and cost saving method as it allows to recycle materials. However, it is labor-intensive and not efficient for light-framed buildings (Juan Rodriguez, 2018).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hou Yang,

    Generally we felt your summary is developing but there are some points we thought you could improve on:

    - include your citation at the start of the summary with proper information (author's name, article title, publication date)
    - remind the reader where the information was taken from (eg:The article further explained....).It is alright to be repetitive

    - choice of words do not have the same meaning as the article
    >> eg: "Thirdly, wrecking ball is used to break down small size buildings by swinging a heavy ball into the structure." The article did not mention wrecking ball was for small building, it is only limited by size. Maybe you could change it to " Thirdly, buildings demolished through wrecking ball method is limited...."

    Overall, it was a good start.

    Best regards
    Bernadine and Nicholas Chang
